How to Bid Commercial Cleaning Job Without Lowballing and Competing on Price!

How to Bid a Commercial Cleaning Job

Once you get the job, you’ve got it down cold, but knowing how to bid a commercial cleaning job is a little more complex and can be overwhelming and at times downright frustrating without knowing how to set up the process the right way.

Here’s a few points we go over in today’s podcast:

•How to do onsite bids
•When and how to have a budget conversation
•What to include in a bid
•The magic phrase to start an onsite conversation
•How to move from unwanted sales person to valued consultant

Does the idea of going on site to give a bid to for a potentially large contract give you the heebeegeebees? You know you need to know how to bid commercial cleaning jobs to really grow your cleaning company, but the thought of going on bid after bid and hearing “Thanks, We’ll get back to you” a dozen times makes you feel like throwing in the towel.

Does this scenario sound familiar? You get to your appointment, on time, ready to talk to the “boss” about what their needs are and how you can serve them and wouldn’t you know it, you end up with Carl from the mail room giving you an abbreviated tour of the office and bathrooms before shoving you out the door and asking to email your bid to some junk mail email account they set up for unwanted salespeople.

Would you like to know how to avoid being treated like the redheaded stepchild and more like the knight in shining armor? How about being able to know you’re going to have a straight answer right then and there at the end of your appointment and not 3 months from now…maybe

Today’s show is a continuation of the last episode Get Commercial Cleaning Contracts, if you haven’t listened to that episode yet, check it out now, listen in and then come back for more cleaning company genius

In today’s show, Mike does a deep dive into ground rules, what they are, how to set them up and how to use them the right way to set the tone for your relationship with your prospective client from the very beginning and best of all how those ground rules get Carl out of the equation forever.

Mike shares the secret sauce to rock star sales processes that get results when you bid commercial cleaning jobs.

Go over step by step, how to get your prospective customer’s pain by asking a few simple questions lined out in this show and why until you can get pain from your prospect, you can’t really help them.

Learn how to become the answer to your prospective client’s problems and not just another vendor and hone your skill when you bid a commercial cleaning job to higher closing percentages and less pain in the butt customers that drive you up the wall.

For more information on what to include in your bid package check out our blog on How to Market a Cleaning Business

Ready for more? Want to take YOUR Cleaning Business to the NEXT LEVEL?
Check out these amazing FREE Resources to Grow YOUR Cleaning Company…

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Now you know how to bid a commercial cleaning job and knowing is half the battle! Now get out there!!

Please watch: “Cleaning Business,Thanksgiving and Growth featuring Mike Campion”


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