House Cleaning Services; What Makes us Different?

(604) 475-5683

Mark: Hi, it’s Mark from Top Local Lead Generation. We’re here with Jo Wang from Cleaning with Love in Vancouver BC, they’re one of Vancouver’s premier maid cleaning, home cleaning services. How’re you doing today Jo?

Jo: I’m doing great, thank you Mark.

Mark: So I guess today’s hangout is pretty straight forward, what makes you, what makes Cleaning with Love so different from the other cleaning companies in Vancouver?

Jo: Thank you Mark, that’s a great question. Cleaning with Love is truly all about the love, that is are whole goal. We train all our Cleaning Angels to clean your home as our own as we would love yourself, we would love your home too. It’s about the care, it’s about being your friend for an hour in addition to being your awesome cleaner. We want to make sure we bring a great experience, full of customer service, full of communication from the moment we walk in the door to the moment we leave, there is that connection.

Mark: So what sort of systems do you use to get repeatable results, get the kind of great results that you guys get?

Jo: Oh, great question. The systems we use are very consistent. People say they like to expect the same thing over and over again, they like our reliability so to speak. At you can find two types of service checklists – one is a 23 point for empty homes, like when you’re moving out, moving in or doing a construction job that’s a standard checklist we follow. As well we have a 35 point checklist for furnished homes. This is the most popular. You can choose us on a weekly or bi-weekly process and expect us to do the same things on that checklist each time.

Mark: So what should I expect when I call Cleaning with Love to come and clean my home?

Jo: Well, I like to say it’s all about the experience, not just the cleaning. What does that mean? When you decide to pick up the phone and give us a call whether you found us from the internet or a friendly client referral, our people at the office are always open Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:00. We’ll guide you through the services we have and find the availability that suits you best. Afterwards we send you a booking confirmation, as well as a reminder the night before. Upon the day of the service, we give you a call half an hour before arriving to get you ready and we will do the cleaning, an awesome job and finally we will call you back to do a satisfaction walkthrough where you will have plenty of time to go over your beautiful home that’s brand new and list anything we may have missed, This is the full experience you get at Cleaning with Love.

Mark: So if you’re looking for home cleaning, premium, most stars on Yelp in Vancouver, the best, voted Best in Vancouver by their customers just recently, these are the guys to call to book your appointment 604-475-5683 to get your home cleaned with love. It’s a different experience, I’ll tell you right now or check out their website Thanks Jo

Jo: Thank you Mark.

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