Candice House Cleaning Services | Texas

We are beyond grateful for each and every one of our customers! We set the bar high, to ensure we exceed the needs of our clients. Our employees are friends who have become family. This is what makes us a unique team. Privately owned. Licensed and Insured. We enjoy what we do & would not trade our jobs for anything. Cleaning is not a means to an end for us, we strive to make our customers satisfied. We do not want unhappy clients & bad reviews; thus, we offer a 24-hour satisfaction guarantee. We will be there within 24 hours to cover anything that may have been overlooked or forgotten – free of charge. We are not a major cleaning franchise who just wants to be in and out in a rush. We genuinely want our customers to be happy. We have your best interest at heart. We are only satisfied when our customers refer us to their neighbors and friends. When they call us at least once a month. And when leave us great reviews online. These are the things that matter to us. Candice

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