Robot assisted Cleaning in Office Buildings

In professional office cleaning business, floor cleaning and waste disposal account for 70% of the daily cleaning efforts. Within the research project AutoPnP a Care-O-bot 3 service robot has been enabled for doing these tasks completely autonomously.
The video features all steps of the cleaning activities. First, the robot is inspecting the room for trash bins and dirty spots at the ground. Then the found trash bin is grasped, cleared into a collection bin and brought back. Following, an autonomous tool change between robot hand and vacuum cleaner is shown. The attached vacuum cleaner is then used to clean the ground.

R. Bormann, F. Weisshardt, G. Arbeiter, and J. Fischer. Autonomous dirt detection for cleaning in office environments. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1252–1259, May 2013.

R. Bormann, J. Hampp, and M. Hägele. New Brooms Sweep Clean – An Autonomous Robotic Cleaning Assistant for Professional Office Cleaning. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2015.

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