Paying your cleaners by the hour can boost your fash flow. Here's how:

When you pay by the task, you might end up overpaying for jobs that don’t take as long as you thought, while underpaying for more time-consuming tasks. By paying your cleaners by the hour, you can ensure that you’re only paying for the time they actually work.

It can make the cleaning process more efficient. When cleaners are paid by the task, they might rush through jobs to get to the next one, which can lead to subpar cleaning. But when they’re paid by the hour, they can take the time to do a thorough job without feeling pressured to move on to the next task.

Of course, it can be challenging to negotiate good hourly rates with cleaners when you only have one or a few units. Typically, cleaners have the power to set the rates because they have other options and can choose to work for someone else. But when you have multiple units and can offer more work to a single cleaner, you have more leverage to negotiate better rates.

So, if you’re looking to boost your cash flow and make your cleaning process more efficient, consider paying your cleaners by the hour. Not only can it save you money, but it can also lead to better cleaning results and better reviews.

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