24/7 cleaning service

Cleanning contract
Regular Cleanning
Deep cleaning
Office Cleanning
Airbnb Cleanning
Small business/Office
Construction cleaning
Once time
Around 60 km

Office regular Cleanning 100$ ( roughly idea)
Check space after coat

House Regular cleaning starts at 120$4-5 hrs (roughly idea)

Deep cleaning starts at 320$ 6-7 hrs(roughly idea)
Open 24 hours short notice
Just give me call. I’m happy to provide you my services and provide your home a good cleaning environment. Text or call me at if I don’t pick call text me.
I have 4 years cleaning experience.

Affordable price
Good service

Specializes in house ,office,houses cleaning
Looking for contract to expand the services
Feel free to contact us

What’s up & text
Cash & Intrect

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