Business plan for a cleaning company 2023

Business plan for a cleaning company
All of us have ideas for where to start our business. Often, business ideas are related to our past work or our hobbies. But there is also a type of business that will not appeal to everyone, but can benefit the customer and bring income to the entrepreneur. Today we will discuss a business idea related to cleaning and not only – how to open a cleaning company.
Today we’ll talk about cleaning, or how in simple terms, cleaning, which may be required not only in private homes, but also in public enterprises, institutions, business centers and other large office buildings.
The success of the cleaning business cannot be underestimated, currently the demand for cleaning services is very high – large cleaning companies have already appeared in the market, and most applications on the job exchanges are flooded with offers of “house cleaning”.
In the coming years, the sector of providing services such as cleaning will only grow.
– Firstly, large companies are trying to exclude such processes from their core business;
– Secondly, with the emergence of new businesses, office buildings and business centers, the demand for cleaning services will only grow.

There are no accurate estimates of the turnover of cleaning companies, however, it is predicted that the entire cleaning outsourcing market will grow by about 35% over the next three years.

How do I start a cleaning business?
Choosing the size of your future company. What size do they come in? Cleaning companies can be divided into small, medium, and large businesses. The offerings of cleaning companies are varied:
– cleaning supermarkets, stores, halls, warehouses;
– office cleaning;
– cleaning of houses and apartments;
– cleaning of non-residential premises, staircases, garage halls;
– carpet cleaning, carpet washing;
– post-renovation cleaning, built-in and even high-pressure cleaning (e.g. paving stones, tiles, building equipment, halls)
– garden and greenery cleaning;
– snow removal;
– floor cleaning and curing;
– cleaning after events.
– In addition, most companies and government agencies decide to outsource their cleaning services (without worrying about wages, supervision, materials and detergents needed for cleaning) rather than hire a full-time cleaner.
– Small cleaning companies
– Small cleaning companies are usually sole proprietors or small businesses that employ only a few people (3-5).
They usually perform single orders. Their owners are mostly experienced cleaners who already have a reputation in the market. Clients know this about the quality of their services, so they recommend their services, which allows the owners to save on advertising. Due to the small number of employees, this business model focuses on working with small areas:
– apartments (from 50 – 120 m2);
– Small offices or warehouses (100-200 m2).
Small businesses do not require particularly large investments (purchase of expensive and specialized equipment). Therefore, capital to enter the market is small, and the success of individual companies is often determined by reputation and trust of clients.
Medium and large cleaning companies.
Meanwhile, medium-sized and large cleaning companies focus on standing orders. These companies usually do not engage in cleaning small rooms (apartments up to 50 m2). Their goal is to keep order in:
large premises;
office buildings.
Such a company usually employs about a dozen people. The costs of such activities are incomparably higher than those of small firms in this segment. This is due to the fact that this type of business generates large costs associated with the purchase or rental of professional equipment, creating your own office, the employment of a large number of employees, including sales representatives who are responsible for signing contracts and advertising the company.

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